Stats NZ has recently launched a new Covid-19 data portal, which gathers more than 40 near real-time economic indicators to help media, decision-makers and the public track the impact of Covid-19 on the economy.
The helpful resource features graphs from various sources, including government organisations, RBNZ, individual banks and international entities. With this tool, New Zealanders can see at a glance how different components of the economy are being affected by this unprecedented environment.
“This collaborative approach is unusual because we are drawing on a range of sources to provide a broader picture,” said Richard Evans, Stats NZ’s general manager for economic and environmental insights.
Interactive and easy to use, the Covid-19 data portal also includes information on broadband and electricity use, border crossings, commodity prices, traffic counts and milk production – with a vision to add new economic, social and health indicators down the track.
Here are a couple of charts from the NZ Stats NZ Portal
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