From stress to relief!
Last week we saw an ENT Specialist for our 3-year-old daughter for a snoring issue. The specialist suggested that we have her Adenoids and Tonsils removed. We have Medical Cover, but this had an exclusion which we were aware of for her tonsils due to an issue prior to taking out insurance. The procedure was going to cost us $8500 so we spoke to Jatin to see if our insurance would cover it. He explained to us that there is an exclusion for tonsils. However, he will call the claims team at the Insurance Company and get clarification. Jatin called me back to say that he had been advised that this would not be covered due to the Tonsil Exclusion on the policy. As you can imagine this was very upsetting and I said, “bloody hell JT she’s only had Tonsils once and what’s the point of having insurance.” Obviously having an expensive procedure booked in and hearing insurance will not cover it, things became a bit frantic. I explained to him that our daughter had only had Tonsils once. He said to leave it with him, and he will review the medical notes and specialist report. He rang me back and said after reviewing the notes he will refer this further with Management at the Insurance Company to reconsider. We spoke a couple of days later and he advised that he had been in touch with the Insurance Company that morning and they would have an answer by lunchtime. He called me back at lunchtime to advise that I need to let the Specialist know to go ahead with the procedure. The claim had been accepted. He was ecstatic as was I. What a relief! We highly recommend Jatin as an Advisor. He went above and beyond with the research and service to get the claim through.
Thank you. Very happy parents and a 3yr old girl with her tonsils removed.