Hi Steve

Hope you are well. We would like to thank you for all you have done for us through my partner’s illness. Without you and your advice years ago we wouldn’t have survived financially and we are so pleased we took your advice and had income protection insurance.

Life certainly threw a curve ball for us, in particular my partner. One day he was a fit farmer going about his business the next day he was fighting for his life and I will say it was a close call. Having this happen threw me sideways to say the least. Going from being a part timer on farm to having to make all the decisions, milk cows, feed cows, budget and keep the wheels turning with our business was no easy task for me. Thankfully we had the income protection insurance, which enabled me to run the business and pay for a part time person to help with the heavy jobs and when we shifted to our bigger job pay for an employee to help through calving as well.

You were just a phone call away and I am so grateful that you took control and set the wheels in motion to action the insurance. It was seamless – I didn’t have to worry about the financial side, you kept me informed and your kindness throughout is something we will be forever grateful for.

He’s is now  on the road to recovery. It has been a slow process but hopefully its onward and upwards from here.

Thank you for the advice you gave us all those years ago. It certainly paid off and would recommend it to any self employed person.